Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Events 2015

I'm in the process of setting some personal goals for this year, part of that is setting out where I want to go (figuratively) with my running. 

Long term I'd like to complete a half marathon. My first goal would be to finish, but my secondary goal would be to meet the 2 hour mark. (Far out, 2 hours of running?! That's crazy!)

A half marathon in 2 hours is a 5:42 min/k pace.  I ran 6.5km at exactly this pace. It's hard to imagine running this distance again two and a bit more times at this speed, but by August it's possible.

Well, confidence is key, right? And I've written it down now so it's something to work towards ;-)

The half marathon is early August.

I've got four months to train.  I read recently that in order to run a half marathon, ideal weekly mileage would be 25-30km.  I'm currently averaging about 15km. So I guess I need to work on that.

I plan to find some events to run in the coming months too - here is what I've found...


May 10 - Mothers Day Fun Run - 8km


July 19 - 15k -  (a great lead up to the half - would start tapering after this event I guess)

August 9 - Half marathon 

A 'bad' run..

So every now and then, I have a 'bad' run. When it just feels like a struggle - achy joints (this week it's the hips) and just feeling sluggish.  It's a real battle to not get dragged down by that.

I've been running with the buggy on kindy mornings, as it's getting dark in the evenings now (and dinner time is stressful enough without having to coordinate everything to be ready by the time hubby gets home to look after the boys) and I've never been a morning person.  It's okay, and will have to do for now.

Yesterday I headed out at lunchtime, was feeling crappy, so ended up run/walking for a couple of kilometres. Decided I've give the steps at nearby park a go, ended up doing three repeats of that before baby decided he didn't want me to leave his side and lost his nut.  So we ran/walked home.  It wasn't a great workout and it didn't add anything to my fitness, but at least I tried, right??

In February I ran 46km with runtastic.  My goal for March was to increase it to 60km.

It's the 26th of March today and I've run 50.5km.  I'd love to get those last 10km in before the end of the month!!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

New shoes!

New shoes! Hooray. Can't wait to test them out. 

These are the Brooks Adrenalin GTS 15 - this season's version of my current shoe (GTS 12). They look quite different in design (insert technical detail the shoe clinic dude told me here!!) but felt totally familiar on my feet walking around and on the treadmill. So, all that's left is to give them a whirl around the block and see how they go. 


I'm totally not a pink/purple person usually. But these are kind of fun! And an injection of girly spunk into my household of boys.

No filter on this shot, I promise. They really are this bright!!

That weird (possibly) ITB niggle of last week seems to have resolved itself with a bit of rest (5 days of no running then starting off with 2km to test it out. 5km today and all felt great. 

Still, will heed advice on easing into the new shoes over next week or so.